

Автор: Жиль Нере
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822850084
Рік видання: 2006р.
Мова видання: англійська
Рейтинг: 10 (1 голос)
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Picasso called Dalí "an outboard motor that`s always running." Dalí thought himself a genius with a right to indulge in whatever lunacy popped into his head.

Painter, sculptor, writer, and filmmaker, Salvador Dalí (1904–1989) was one of the century`s greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics — and was rewarded with fierce controversy wherever he went. He was one of the first to apply the insights of Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis to the art of painting, approaching the subconscious with extraordinary sensitivity and imagination.

Brassai, Paris

Автор: Жан-Клод Готран
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783836503891
Рік видання: 2008р.
Мова видання: англійська
Мова видання: французька
Рейтинг: 10 (1 голос)
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"Brassaï is a living eye," wrote Henry Miller of the Hungarian–born artist who adopted Paris after World War I and became one of its most celebrated photographers. Originally a painter before he moved on to writing, sculpture, cinema and, most famously, photography, Brassaï (1899-1984) was a member of Paris's cultural elite, counting Miller, Picasso, Sartre, Camus, and Cocteau, among his friends. Camera in hand, he scoured the streets and bars of Paris, unabashedly capturing the city's inhabitants in their natural habitats.

Eugene Atget - Paris

Автор: Андреас Кразе
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783836504713
Рік видання: 2008р.
Мова видання: англійська
Мова видання: французька
Рейтинг: 10 (1 голос)
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"All I can say: get collecting. These books are an incredible value." - Image, London, on the photography book series

Eugène Atget roamed the streets with his bulky large format camera, systematically cataloguing turn-of-the-century Old Paris down to the very smallest details. His skilled, wonderfully atmospheric photos of Paris's parks, buildings, streets, store windows, prostitutes, workers, and even door handles are a joy to behold.


Автор: Катрін Клінгсьор-Лерой
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822822159
Рік видання: 2005р.
Мова видання: англійська
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With Salvador Dalí at its mast, the great ship of Surrealism launched off into the wild and turbulent sea of the Roaring Twenties, its sails puffed full of winds blown by Sigmund Freud and André Breton. With dreamlike, fantastic imagery, the Surrealists made great, sensational waves in the art world. The influence of artists such as Dalí, Ernst, and Magritte, on 20th century film, theatre, literature, and thought is inestimable.

Featured artists include:


Автор: Рейнхард Штайнер
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822863275
Рік видання: 2007р.
Мова видання: англійська
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Egon Schiele (1890-1918) - along with Oskar Kokoschka - is the painter who had the most long-lasting influence on the Vienna art scene after the great era of Klimt came to a close. After a short flirtation with Klimt's style, Schiele soon questioned the aesthetic orientation to the beautiful surface of the Viennese Art Nouveau with his rough and not easily accessible paintings.


Автор: Корнелія Стабеноу
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822813645
Рік видання: 2009р.
Мова видання: англійська
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Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) emerged from humble circumstances - reflected in his nickname, "the customs official." An employee in the Paris customs bureau, Rousseau was an autodidact who incrementally worked his way into a position among the artists who were renewing the art world at the turn of the century.


Автор: Джейкоб Баал-Тешува
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822818206
Рік видання: 2003р.
Мова видання: англійська
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Mark Rothko belongs to the generation of American artists who completely revolutionized the essence of abstract painting. His stylistic evolution, from a figurative visual repertoire to an abstract style rooted in the active relationship of the observer to the painting, embodied the radical vision of a renaissance in painting. Rothko characterized this relationship as "a consummated experience between picture and onlooker". His colour formations indeed draw the observer into a space filled with an inner light.


Автор: Норберт Вулф
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822853108
Рік видання: 2007р.
Мова видання: англійська
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Harmony between man and nature

Roman Art

Автор: Майкл Зіблер
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822854549
Рік видання: 2007р.
Мова видання: англійська
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Out of the shadows: art and architecture of ancient Rome

Rodin - Sculptures and drawings

Автор: Жиль Нере
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822886625
Рік видання: 1999р.
Мова видання: англійська
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Auguste Rodin was the great master of the human form, in clay, bronze and marble. He hymned Woman, summoning all the passions, joys and vices of life. The poet Rilke wrote that "the sweetness of sin arose from the roots of pain" in Rodin`s figures. They captivate us still, their brilliance undimmed by the passage of time.

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