Surrealismo. Visual Encyclopedia of Art |
Автор: Джованна Уззані Видавництво: Slovart ISBN: 9788080858971 Рік видання: 2011р. Мова видання: англійська Мова видання: французька |
The Visual Encyclopaedia series provide up to 300 beautiful photographic and artwork images, illustrating subjects of perennial cultural interest. Images are accompanied by narrative providing background, brief criticism, and details on relevant museums, brief biographies and time lines |
Stieglitz, Camera work |
Автор: Пем Робертс Видавництво: Taschen ISBN: 9783822837849 Рік видання: 2008р. Мова видання: англійська Мова видання: французька |
"This has to be the 'must buy' book of the decade - no photographic library will be complete without it. " - mono, UKPhotographer, writer, publisher, and curator Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) was a visionary, far ahead of his time. Around the turn of the 20th century he founded the Photo-Secession, a progressive movement concerned with advancing the creative possibilities of photography, and by 1903 began publishing Camera Work, an avant-garde magazine devoted to voicing the ideas, both in images and words, of the Photo-Secession. |
Paris Mon Amour |
Автор: Жан-Клод Готран Видавництво: Taschen ISBN: 9783822835418 Рік видання: 2004р. Мова видання: англійська Мова видання: французька |
At once cosmopolitan metropolis and venue for a pensive stroll, Moloch and emblem of the modern, Paris has been a source of inspiration for countless artists and writers down the ages. But not least it is the home and constant muse of a relatively young art: photography. Since the earliest days of the daguerreotype right up to our time, renowned photographers such as Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, and Jeanloup Sieff have lived and worked in the city of lights. |
Brassai, Paris |
Автор: Жан-Клод Готран Видавництво: Taschen ISBN: 9783836503891 Рік видання: 2008р. Мова видання: англійська Мова видання: французька |
"Brassaï is a living eye," wrote Henry Miller of the Hungarian–born artist who adopted Paris after World War I and became one of its most celebrated photographers. Originally a painter before he moved on to writing, sculpture, cinema and, most famously, photography, Brassaï (1899-1984) was a member of Paris's cultural elite, counting Miller, Picasso, Sartre, Camus, and Cocteau, among his friends. Camera in hand, he scoured the streets and bars of Paris, unabashedly capturing the city's inhabitants in their natural habitats. |
Eugene Atget - Paris |
Автор: Андреас Кразе Видавництво: Taschen ISBN: 9783836504713 Рік видання: 2008р. Мова видання: англійська Мова видання: французька |
"All I can say: get collecting. These books are an incredible value." - Image, London, on the photography book series Eugène Atget roamed the streets with his bulky large format camera, systematically cataloguing turn-of-the-century Old Paris down to the very smallest details. His skilled, wonderfully atmospheric photos of Paris's parks, buildings, streets, store windows, prostitutes, workers, and even door handles are a joy to behold. |
Journal intime d'une prédatrice |
Автор: Філіп Вассе Видавництво: Fayard Рік видання: 2010р. Мова видання: французька |
Elle est la Reine des Glaces. Sous l’Arctique qui fond, elle va chercher du pétrole, des diamants, du gaz. Elle manipule les Inuits, elle se rit des États, bouscule les écologistes et élimine ses concurrentes. Saisie par la fièvre des pionniers du grand Nord, elle s’invente un personnage... |
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