
Автор: Жиль Нере
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822859803
Мова видання: англійська
Рейтинг: 10 (1 голос)
Ваш голос: Ні
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The world "in female form"
One of the greatest artists of his times

Gustav Klimt's art expresses the apocalyptic atmosphere of Vienna's upper middle-class society around the turn of the 20th century—a society devoted to the cultivation of aesthetic awareness and the cult of pleasure.

The ecstatic joy which Klimt and his contemporaries found—or hoped to find—in beauty was constantly overshadowed by death. And death therefore plays an important role in Klimt's art. Klimt's fame, however, rests on his reputation as one of the greatest painters and graphic artists of his times. Particularly his drawings, which have been widely admired for their artistic excellence, are dominated by the erotic portrayal of women.

  • Hnatt Сбт, 17/11/2012 - 11:35

    Цікавий збіг. Щойно натрапив на картину Віктора Зарецького «Ой кум до куми залицявся»

    Власне, шукав хто такий цей Зарецький. Про Клімта чув і раніше, але тільки й всього що чув і бачив кілька картин.

    А потім заходжу на Книгоман і в блоці «Найрейтинговіші» оце. Реальність дає тріщини в такі моменти.

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