
Автор: Ян Кенеді
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 978382284912-5
Рік видання: 2004р.
Мова видання: англійська
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A leading artist in the High Renaissance, Titian (Tiziano Vecelli, 1488-1576) was the Venetian school`s greatest painter and is one of the best-loved Italian artists of all time. Titian was highly regarded during his lifetime, and his renown has not diminished in the intervening centuries; so great was his ability to manipulate color, texture, and tone that he is still considered to be one of art history`s greatest technical masters. The freedom exhibited in his pictorial compositions was unprecedented and greatly influential on later artists, notably Manet, who closely studied Titian`s work at the Louvre. This book examines Titian`s evolution, from his early years training under Giovanni Bellini to his later mature work, giving a wide perspective on the life`s work of this legendary master painter.