
Автор: Ульрік Лоренц
Видавництво: Taschen
ISBN: 9783822854747
Мова видання: англійська
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The "Brücke" (established in Dresden in 1905) is, together with the Blauer Reiter in Munich, the most important movement in German expressionism. Meaning “bridge” in German, “Brücke” refers to Nietzsche’s belief that humanity has the potential to make a bridge to a perfect future; more concretely, the movement formed a bridge between neo-romantic and expressionist painting. This book covers the work of founding members Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, and Fritz Bleyl, as well as works by their friends, such as Emil Nolde and Otto Mueller. Divided into four main categories (self-portraits and portraits of friends, nudes in the studio and in nature, men in the cities, and war and apocalyptic themes) this volume provides a stimulating overview of the movement.